My brother came up with a thing for our 5e campaign where Intoxication works kinda like Exhaustion. Here's my take on it.
If the PCs drink more than one drink in an in-game hour, they have to make a Con save vs Poison (determined by the alcohol's DC). Failure means they gain a level of Intoxication.
Level 1 - d8 temporary HP, disadvantage on Dex saves and skill checks.
Level 2 - Disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma savesand skill checks, movement is reduced by half.
Level 3 - Poisoned, lose Dex bonus to AC.
Level 4 - Unconscious. Won't wake up, unless you take damage.
Level 5 - Fatal alcohol poisoning. Roll death saves. If you succeed, you lose a level of Intoxication.
If you take a long rest, you can get rid of two levels of Intoxication.
It still needs work, like a list of alcohol. If you do your own version, I'd love to see it.